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The organs of the Federation are as follows:


The General Assembly


The Board of Governors


The General Secretariat


The Standing Committees

General Assembly


The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Federation, and composed of the Chairmen/Chief Executive Officers of the Ordinary Regional Members. The General Assembly holds the authority necessary to accomplish the aims of the Federation. It has the following specific powers:

  • To examine and approve annual report of the Board of Governors
  • To confirm the admission of members and decide upon their suspension or expulsion
  • To allocate the assets of the Federation in the event of dissolution
  • To examine any other matters submitted for its consideration by the Board of Governors

Board of Governors


The Board of Governors (BOG) is the governing body and composed of the Secretaries General of each of the Ordinary Regional Members, with the following specific duties and powers:

  • To convene the Ordinary General Assembly
  • To elect and appoint the Secretary General
  • To review and approve the plans, programs and budgets of the Federation, as proposed by the Secretary General
  • To determine the powers and authority of the officers of the Board of Governors and of the Secretary General
  • To be responsible for the overall supervision of the General Secretariat and of the Secretary General
  • To appoint committees or individuals to perform specific tasks for the purpose of furthering the work of the Federation
  • To carry out or cause to be carried out the instructions transmitted to it by the General Assembly

WFDFI Members Chairmen

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Luis Antonio Ramírez
Chairman ALIDE

& WFDFI Chairman

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Kao Thach


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Metin Özdemir


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Thabo P. Thamane
Chairman AADFI

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Dario Scannapieco

WFDFI Members General Secretariat

Edgardo Alvarez
Secretary General ALIDE,

& WFDFI Secretary General

I. Florencio

Secretary General,

Ilhami Öztürk
 Secretary General,

Cyril A. Okoye
Secretary General, AADFI

Helmut von Glasenapp
Secretary General,


The management of the Federation is carried out by the General Secretariat under the direction of the Secretary General who is the chief executive officer of the WFDFI.

The General Secretariat shall perform its duties in accordance with the policies, procedures and budgets approved by the Board of Governors.

The Secretary General shall hold all such authority, powers, rights and duties as are approved by the Board of Governors.


Ricardo Palma Valderrama

The Board of Governors may, in its discretion, appoint Advisers, who have achieved distinction by their work in the field of development financing or in related fields of economic development, to provide advice on the affairs of the Federation.

The Board-Management Process

Provides a clear delineation of the roles of the Board of Governors (strategic direction and policy setting) and the General Secretariat (day-to-day operational management).

IThe Board of Governors(BOG)

The Board of Governors sets the future of the Federation. It sets the Federation’s vision, mission and operational goals.

Board Composition
  • - The Federation shall be governed by a Board of Governors (BOG) composed of the Secretaries General of each of the Ordinary Regional Members.
  • - Members of the BOG are personally committed to the mission of the Federation, willing to volunteer sufficient time and resources to help achieve its mission and to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities. 
  • - The BOG will not receive compensation for their service.
General Job Description of Members of the Board of Governors
  • - Attend BOG meetings and related special meetings regularly.
  • - Reviews and comments on Federation minutes and reports.
  • - Participant actively in setting the strategic direction and annual planning of the Federation events
  • - Participate in fundraising for the Federation
Specific Duties and Responsibilities
  • - The BOG meets regularly to review the strategic direction, to define specific goals and objectives related to the mission, and to evaluate the success of the Federation’s programs and activities.
  • - The BOG approves the policies of the Federation.
  • - The BOG annually approves the Federation’s budget and assesses its financial performance.
Conduct of the Board
  • - The BOG will meet as frequently as needed to adequately conduct the business of the Federation. At a minimum, the BOG should meet physically at least once a year with a quorum present but may consult each other at any time by e-mail or other means of communication.
  • ◦ Written meeting minutes should reflect the actions of the BOG. The Secretary General shall permanently retain the minutes, distribute them to BOG and make them available for the members’ review.

IIThe General Secretariat

The General Secretariat manages the affairs of the Federation under the direction of the Secretary General who is the chief executive officer of the WFDFI.

Duties and Responsibilities 

The General Secretariat shall:

  • Be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Association
  • Implement all decisions and measures of the Federation, whether decided by the General Assembly or BOG, within the provisions of the Constitution, or rules, by-laws and directives as amended from time to time, with the following procedures:

i- For “routine” matters (those approved by the BOG and actions taken in the normal course of operations of the General Secretariat) – the General Secretariat will manage and directly implement the details and then inform the BOG through the quarterly operational report.
ii- For “consent” matters (those to be implemented in the short term), the General Secretariat will prepare a draft resolution for the Board’s consent. Once approved and confirmed by the BOG, these become “routine” matters, as deemed warranted.
iii- For “strategic” matters (those with long-term impact to the Federation), the General Secretariat will make the proposal to the BOG and once approved, these also become “routine” matters, as deemed warranted.
iv- Correspondence of these matters will be done via email for practical reasons, by phone or fax, if needed. A deadline for action will also be indicated therein.

  • Ensure the constant coordination among members of the Federation.
  • Organize conferences and other gatherings of members of the Federation.
  • Manage the finances of the Federation.
  • Maintain records of the Federation.

Specific Job description of the Secretariat General (aside from those mentioned above) 

  • Serves as the chief spokesperson of the Federation on matters relating to the affairs of the Association.
  • Is the official representative of the Federation in meetings of regional and international nature.
  • Appoints such persons as staff of the General Secretariat, as necessary, upon terms and conditions approved by the BOG.

Governance Structure 


  • Mr Cyril A. Okoye

Ag. Secretary General – AADFI (Africa)
Abidjan, Ivory Coast

  • Enrique I. Florencio

Secretary General -ADFIAP (Asia & Pacific)
Manilla, Philippines

  • Ilhami Öztürk

Secretary General – ADFIMI (Islamic Countries)
Istanbul, Turkey

  • Edgardo Alvarez

Secretary General – ALIDE (Latin America & Caribbean)
Lima, Peru

  • Helmut von Glasenapp

Secretary General – ELTI (European Countries)
Brussels, Belgium

  • Ricardo Palma Valderrama

Lima, Peru