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Knowledge Hub 2

The World Federation of Development Financing Institution’s Knowledge Hub (WFDFI_KH) is an online portal that clusters knowledge and resources on development financing across relatively all development intervention areas. It is a free-for all web space where development financing enthusiasts/practitioners could access existing and compelling knowledge products from a wide range of institutions, with diverse structure and procedures, engaged in supporting and promoting development finance and its crosscutting issues in advancing policies, processes, programs, projects and practices for the benefits of their beneficiaries and stakeholders. The two-fold purposes of the WFDFI_KH are shaping and advancing policy and advocacy positions that impact the development of the banking and finance community worldwide and improve DFI capacity, as well as facilitating knowledge management and sharing.

IACPM paper on Bank interaction with DFI’s for the mobilisation of private capital for the SDG’s

IACPM paper on Bank interaction with DFI’s for the mobilisation of private capital for the SDG’s

DFI’s Transformation MDBs NDBs Private Sector SDGs
In the context of Development Finance Institutions’ (DFIs) efforts to mobilise private sector capital in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, this document explore the progress to date from the perspective of private sector banks and focus, among others, on how banks choose to align their operations with the SDGs and the nature of the relationship that banks have with DFIs.
Author: Christopher A. McHugh, University of Southampton
Publisher: International Association of Credit Portfolio Managers (IACPM)

Leveraging National Development Banks To Enhance Financing For Climate-Smart Urban Infrastructure

Climate / Resilience Environment / Ecosystem Finance Knowlegde NDBs
The policy brief sets the context to explore how National Development Banks (NDBs) can be leveraged to finance climate smart urban infrastructure, and builds its main findings and recommendations on the main conclusions from the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (the Alliance). The policy brief on Enhancing the Role of National Development Banks in Supporting Climate-Smart Urban Infrastructure is commissioned by FELICITY and developed in partnership with the Alliance.
Publisher: International Financial Consulting Ltd. In collaboration with Climate Policy Initiative/Alliance Secretariat
Good Practices and Innovations in Risk Management for Agri-SME Finance Under COVID-19

Good Practices and Innovations in Risk Management for Agri-SME Finance Under COVID-19

Economic Development / Stability Finance Knowlegde Public banks SMEs
This publication gives a close look at the existing range of agricultural risk management tools that can be deployed both to address the current Covid-19 crisis and to build resilience for the future. From the perspective of traditional banking institutions, investing in Agri-SMEs tends to be perceived as riskier than investing in larger businesses, in other sectors, or both.
Author: Stenio Andrade, Michael von During, Pranav Prashad and Karima Cherif with key contributi ons by Betti na Prato, Emily Kitongo and Michael Hamp
Publisher: Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM)
Development Finance Institutions: The need for bold actions to invest better

Development Finance Institutions: The need for bold actions to invest better

DFI’s Transformation Finance Investments MDBs NDBs Private Sector SDGs
The report seeks to inform and anchor the discussion by providing the most up-to-date analysis of DFI and MDB investment and the private finance this investment has mobilised in developing countries since 2013. It examines in detail the investment portfolios of 12 DFIs and MDBs which together mobilised more than 70% of the private finance reported to the OECD for 2017–2018.
Author: Samantha Attridge and Matthew Gouett
Publisher: ODI
African Economic Outlook 2021

African Economic Outlook 2021

Economic Development / Stability Finance Private Sector
This report uses blended finance data and insights compiled by Convergence to provide an updated analysis of the blended finance market, including blended approaches, sectors, regions and investor trends. It concludes with reflections on the journey to advancing blended finance at scale, exploring key challenges and progress made to date.
Author: African Development Bank Group
Publisher: Debt, Africa, legal reforms, financial innovation, global coordination, International Financial Institutions, macroeconomics, covid-19, policy
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