The present study was drafted under the overall leadership of Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in close collaboration with Hanan Morsy, Deputy Executive Secretary and Chief Economist at ECA, and with guidance provided by Jean-Paul Adam, Director of Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resources Management Division at ECA. The formulation of the standardized and harmonized protocol was supervised by Nassim Oulmane, Chief of the Green and Blue Economy Section at ECA, and Louis Mitondo Lubango, Environmental Affairs Officer, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resources Management Division. Maxim Lobovikov provided detailed input to facilitate the development of the protocol.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital financial inclusion with increased digital financial services. Several studies found evidence that the availability of digital financial services is associated with higher GDP and lower income inequality. The task is to find the right balance between enabling financial innovation and addressing risks such as insufficient consumer protection, low levels of financial and digital literacy, unequal access to digital infrastructure, money laundering and cyber risks.
The global effort to fight climate change as well as the need to adapt and build resilience to the changing climate (climate adaptation) pose a set of challenges and opportunities for financial institutions in the MENA region. UNEPFI underwent a consultation process with member banks in the MENA region regarding climate finance in general and opportunities to provide support in scaling private sector finance for climate action in the region.
El informe mensual de coyuntura económica de enero presenta un análisis ad hoc del desempeño macroeconómico del mundo en general y de Centroamérica en particular, con información disponible al 14 de febrero de 2023. Algunos países reportaron un crecimiento mayor al esperado en el último trimestre de 2022, y existe un mayor optimismo sobre las perspectivas futuras reflejado en una posibilidad menor de recesión económica mundial en 2023.
The double shock of the health crisis and the war in Ukraine has generated an inflationary spike unprecedented in developed countries since the 1979 oil shock and the Iran-Iraq war. This shock came to interrupt two decades of disinflation imported from China and other emerging and developing countries and more than a decade of ultra-accommodative monetary policies.
El presente documento publicado por el BID vislumbra algunos lineamientos para el diseño de instrumentos de política para impulsar la innovación verde en la región. A pesar de su gran potencial en fomentar un nuevo modelo donde crecimiento económico y generación de empleo sean compatibles con la sostenibilidad del sistema natural, varios factores internos como externos a las empresas, han limitado su difusión en el tejido empresarial de la región.
This report brings much-needed realism to the climate and air pollution debate. It analyzes international experience to identify effective pathways to coherent policy packages that harness synergies and manage inevitable tensions between climate mitigation and air-quality management. It helps decision makers to prioritize pollutants and emission sources and implement regulations that will encourage economic actors to implement technical and behavioral measures in a way that quickly saves people's lives.