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Public Banks and Covid-19: Combatting the Pandemic with Public Finance
Year: 2021
Content Type: Research Paper
Description: Coronavirus should not have been such a surprise, because its unfolding has followed astonishingly closely the path of a “climate Minsky moment.” This publication focuses on the role that public banks institutions and associations across the globe have played in managing the economic crises of Covid-19 to date. Among others, it (i) details the key features that PDBs, at different levels, need to possess to maximize development results for the most vulnerable members of society; (ii) offers two brief case studies detailing CEB’s Covid-19 lending to Spain, which involved a €200 million loan to the Comunidad de Madrid, and a €300 million loan to the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) to support micro- and small-sized companies; (iii) focuses on the strategic role played over the first few months after the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic by a Multilateral Development Bank – the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) – and a National Development Bank – the UK CDC Group.
Pages: 436 pages
Author: Diana Barrowclough, Thomas Marois And David A. Mcdonald, María José Romero, Milford Bateman, Diana Barrowclough, Oscar Reyes, Judith Clifton, Daniel Díaz-Fuentes, David Howarth And Helen Kavvadia, Thomas Marois, Nadine Reis, C. P. Chandrasekhar, Alfredo Schclarek Curutchet, Marco Carreras And Stephany Griffith-Jones, Alberto De Oliveira, Godfrey Yeung, Daniela Vandone, Marco Frigerio, Carlotta Zatti And Dalya Bakry, Victoria Stadheim, Ali Riza Güngen, Ellen Brown, Diana Barrowclough, AADFI, ADFIAP, ALIDE, EAPB
Publisher: Municipal Services Project (Kingston), UNCTAD (Geneva) and Eurodad (Brussels)
Agrovocs/Keywords: Public banks, COVID-19, Public Finance,