ADFIAP, represented by its Secretary-General, Octavio B. Peralta, spoke at the regional NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) workshop organized by the UNFCCC-WGEO RCC Dubai and the UNFCCC-IGES RCC Bangkok, in collaboration with the NDC Partnership entitled, “Good Practices in NDC Update and Implementation: Challenges and Lessons Learned from Asia, Middle East, and North Africa”. The virtual event was held on March 16-18, 2021.
The workshop provided an avenue for countries from Asia, Middle East, and North Africa to come together and share good practices and lessons learned from their NDC update process as well as form a platform for peer-to-peer support. It also provided an avenue for countries to share challenges and good practices in the NDC implementation process and to identify areas of cooperation between countries and development partners.
Mr. Peralta served as a panelist in Panel Discussion 4: “Financing for NDC Implementation” on March 18, 2021, at 15:20 (Bangkok Time). He told the audience of 68 attendees, among others, of the 20-year journey of ADFIAP’s “Greening of DFIs” initiative which enabled its member-DFIs to embrace sustainable finance practices and fund projects aligned with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. He also presented case studies of its members’ programs and lending facilities on renewable energy, energy efficiency as well as experiences in issuing green bonds and SRI funds.
He was joined in the panel by Emelia Holdaway, Policy Program Director of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), Mona Sur, Practice Manager, Environment, Natural Resources, and Blue Economy, Southeast Asia, World Bank, Daouda Ndiaye, Lead Adaptation Specialist at the Islamic Development Bank and Frederic Asseline, Principal Climate Finance Specialist at the Asian Development Bank. The panel was moderated by Grant Kirkman, Team Lead, Country and Private Sector Engagement at the UNFCCC Secretariat.
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