Disasters are resulting in unprecedented levels of destruction across the world. These shocks and disruptions affect the functioning and sustainability of agricultural production and threaten the livelihoods of millions of people reliant on agrifood systems.
The report provides examples of actions and strategies for investing in resilience and proactively addressing risks in agriculture.
Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Covering the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, China, and the Republic of Korea, the report notes that positive investment sentiment supported a narrowing of risk premiums, a rally in equity markets, and net foreign portfolio inflows.
To support Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) member banks in developing targets, the
Alliance has developed this short paper to provide clarification on the already-published
Guidelines for Climate Target Setting for Banks outlining how the Alliance views the treatment
of offsetting in relation to member commitments.
The paper does not introduce additional principles that member banks must meet as
part of their NZBA commitment.
In the past few years, the evidence base regarding the inclusion of people with disabilities has advanced considerably, both in high- and low-to-mid-income countries. This policy brief focuses on the lessons learned from rigorous studies in education, social protection and labor markets and identifies the key knowledge gaps relevant for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Author: Duryea, Suzanne; Martínez, Claudia; Pereira, María Antonella
This monograph provides an overview of the various impacts of climate change on the provision of water and sanitation services, as well as the adaptation options available to water operators. Using data from the DesInventar database, the document analyzes which events are most prevalent in the sub-regions of Latin America and the Caribbean and which events particularly affect water and sanitation systems.