Climate Finance Provided and Mobilised by Developed Countries: Aggregate trends updated with 2019 Data
Year: 2021
Content-Type: Report
Description: This report presents the aggregate trend of annual climate finance provided and mobilized by developed countries for developing countries for 2013-2019. The trends are presented by finance source, climate theme and sector, geography, and financial instrument. It also provides information about the methodological framework, data sources, and country classifications that underpin the figures presented. The trends are presented per component, finance source, climate theme and sector, geography, and financial instrument. As this report is intended as a short technical update to the previously published 2013-2018 figures, the information provided remains at an aggregate level. An expanded and disaggregated analysis will be conducted in 2022 for climate finance in 2019 and 2020, once data for 2020 is available. Further details, notably on methodological issues and steps that have to be addressed to complete analyses, are included in previous publications in this series (see in particular Annexes in (OECD, 2020[5])).
Pages: 22 pages
Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD
Categories: Climate / Resilience, Finance
Tags: Climate Finance, developed countries, Developing Countries, financial instrument