Language: English
Financing for Development in the era of COVID-19 and beyond: Priorities of Latin America and the Caribbean in relation to the financing for development global policy agenda
Year: 2021
Content-Type: Report
Description: The pandemic has magnified the structural and institutional gaps of Latin America and the Caribbean. The crisis has severely impacted productive structures, resulting in the closure of more than 2.7 million firms, and the labour market, as the number of jobless persons has escalated to 44.1 million. The effects of the pandemic and the policies implemented in response have increased the liquidity needs of the countries of the region to confront the emergency phase. Within the current context of the pandemic, financing for development agenda faces two interrelated Challenges: short-run, and medium and long-run challenges. This report proposes a set of policy actions to address both challenges and then focuses on potential initiatives to build forward better.
Pages: 20 pages
Author: NU. CEPAL
Publisher: Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Categories: DFI’s Transformation, Finance, Health
Tags: Caribbean, Covid-19, Financing for Development, Latin America, Policy