National DFIs: Critical allies for climate action Why and how can they be more involved in climate finance?
Year: 2023
Content-Type: Report
Description: National development finance institutions (NDFIs) can play a vital role in promoting climate financing and thus achieving Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) due to their knowledge of local markets, their close connections to domestic public and private stakeholders and their ability for local currency financing. However, currently NDFIs are not involved as intensively in this field as they could be. This report discusses and recommends how national development finance institutions could play a greater role in climate financing, how they could be best supported by the ICR Facility and others to do so. The report builds on workshops “Regional Program on Mainstreaming Climate Finance Actions in National DFIs” the ICR Facility organized jointly with AADFI and the discussions held with DFIs during the trainings. The trainings are part of the ICR Facility’s 2nd component which supports national and sub-regional development finance institutions (DFIs). The article also adds to the ICR Facility’s series on climate smart investments (CSI) which targets government and public agencies, practitioners and private sector representatives besides DFIs.
Pages: 10 pages
Author: ICR
Categories: Climate / Resilience, Developing countries, Environment / Ecosystem, Microfinance, NDBs, Publications, Sustainability
Tags: Climate Mitigation, Developing Countries, Environment, NDBs, Sustainable development