SBFN Toolkit: Developing Sustainable Finance Roadmaps
Year: 2023
Content-Type: Report
Description: This toolkit was produced by the Sustainable Banking and Finance Network (SBFN) Secretariat based on SBFN member requests and drawing on the experience of SBFN member countries that introduced National Sustainable Finance Roadmaps, including Azerbaijan,Georgia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Morocco, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Ukraine. In addition, sustainable finance roadmaps and strategies of non-SBFN countries, regions and networks such as Australia, the European Union, Germany, G20, Ireland, Luxembourg, andNew Zealand informed this toolkit. The toolkit builds on the SBFN Measurement Framework Methodology, a comprehensive assessment to benchmark sustainable finance progress in line with international standards. It also references existing guidance documents such as the “Toolkits for Policymakers to Green the Financial System” by the World Bank, “An Analysis of Sustainable Finance Roadmaps: Charting the Path to Financial System Transformation” by the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action and UNDP Financial Centers for Sustainability (FC4S), and the recently published “Diagnostics Toolkit and Sustainable Finance Roadmaps” by FC4S and the Green Finance Platform.
Pages: 115 pages
Author: Developed by the IFC facilitated Sustainable Banking and Finance Network (SBFN)
Categories: Biodiversity Protection, Climate / Resilience, Finance, Publications, Sustainability
Tags: Biodiversity Protection, Climate Finance, Finance, Sustainability